about freesia :)

Loves Blogging, reading. Hates Copycat. Enjoy on my blog

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Tuesday, 26 July 2011 | 0 comments


ari nie, rs btl2 tension tp kena sabar dgn "Buluh", "Botak" & "Beruang"... rs mcm nk bunuh je 3B nie... unie tak tau smpi ble blh tahan kerja kat sini. staff semua ok tp yg prob die 3B nie je... unie dh tak sabar nk kerja kat CWA tak lama lg, skrg nie tgh tunggu unie kata yes saja pastu goodbye kerja lama & say hello to new jobs... hehehehe
ari sabtu unie x sabar nk jumpa member Freesia kat times squre & sok unie on leave for raya shopping only... hahaha...
"Relax ur mind... Thinks +ve & u always receive the good things" from The Secret Book... 
